- Files: Files uploaded by staff to an applicant’s profile are now marked ‘Internal’ by default.
- Enhanced Student Search: The student search bar has now been enhanced to narrow the search when searching the student’s full name and show student with highest match at the top.
- Re-enrolment Dashboard: The Re-enrolment dashboard is now sorted to show confirmations and declines in chronological order. For more information, please click here.
- Enrolment Analytics: The real-time enrolment tracking has been updated to account for seats held (i.e. students Pending Re-enrolment confirmation, and Places Offered), to allow for greater accuracy in calculating remaining seats. For more information, please click here.
- Manually adding applicants/inquiries: The following fields are now required when adding applicants or inquiries manually: Student First & Last Name, Grade, Enrolment Year, Parent First & Last Name and Parent Email.